Saturday, March 28, 2009

Web 2.0: Please, but in your own time (and budget)?

I picked  up this title from an intriguing blogpost (in Dutch) -  Web 2.0: Graag, maar in eigen tijd ?! This posting will retake some quotes from this post (in italic) on to which I will add my own thoughts about this. I think this is an interesting topic so do add your own comment if you have another point of view.

“We need to share knowledge, innovate, bind talent and be open. So we need a platform to support this,… so' let’s define a publication protocol and add it to our quality handbook. Oh, and by the way on which project do I need to register these hours.”

This might sound familiar to you especially when you are working for a consulting firm which is typically generating revenue by charging customers by the hour. This means that if the organization you work for does not provide the room to invest in non-direct billable projects – basically investment projects – it probably will not have the ability to fully take advantage of the enablers of web 2.0 to innovate their business offerings. I look with admiration at Google’s 20% percent time rule and I’m wondering how many company are following this example especially now given the tight economic climate.

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